Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sick & tired of being sick & tired..

Wow. Is it really going to be February already? Time is flying entirely too fast! My life has been crazy busy lately and I've been definitely putting off this blogging scene for a bit. Oops! But I'm back. And hope to be a good little blogger.
I took on more hours at work so now I am working 2 weeks straight, then have a weekend off then start another 2 weeks straight. Eeek- I know! I thought I could juggle work, school and home life but it seems to be a bit too much. I plan to give it another few weeks to see if maybe I just need to get into a better routine.. we shall see! I'm still plugging along with school although my motivation to keep on keeping on with it has pretty much diminished. I've really had to push myself to get up and make it to class, let alone do the homework and readings.
On top of allll this, I've been trying to make sure I'm back home in Alaska for Ruthie-ann's first birthday, still battling to lose weight, and save money! It's been a rough month but I see the light. I know if I keep my head up and my goals in mind, it'll all be worth it in the end!

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, Semi-New Me! :)

Well, the budget for 2010 is made with the goals of paying down the credit cards we have and most importantly paying off the IRS! It's only like $500, but the idea of owing the government is scary! All in all, we only really have a combined total of about $1800.00 debt to credit cards and IRS. Not too bad, and I think if we really keep with this budget and pay extra to each credit card every month -we'll be debt free (or close to it!) in no time!
As for the dieting... it hasn't been going quite as well as I had hoped. But every day is a new day, and I try to make healthy choices. The hardest part I find in dieting is the exercise. I can honestly say that I hate exercise! But it's a rather large part in the whole healthy lifestyle experience.. Therefore, I must do it! :)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


So while I continue to struggle with my obsession with food.. I've decided to also start budgeting. Creating a healthy lifestyle includes being financially responsible too, right!? So with the help of a friend and her amazing blog searching skills, I've found a few blogs that encourage budgeting with great tips!
Today, I shall start my new financial journey by filling out a budgeting worksheet while I sit bored at work! Over the course of the next two days, me and my boyfriend will both get paid -meaning this is the perfect time to start this task. :)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'm not overweight, I'm undertall

Well, this is my first attempt at a blog. I'm hoping my blog will motivate me in my goals to live a healthy lifestyle by making me realize what my triggers for eating are.
I am a senior at Metro State and hope to graduate Dec 2010. Once I get my degree and head out to the real world, I hope to be a juvenile probation officer. Because my minor is in Human Services (addiction studies), I plan to work with those kids who also deal with an addiction. Recently, I have asked myself 'how do you plan on helping those with addictions when you have an addiction yourself.. to food'. This was the moment I decided that was it. Food would no longer run my life.
I grew up in a small, cold town in Alaska. Although I am not there now, Fairbanks will always be considered my home. My dad and mom moved me and my siblings to Fairbanks when I was 9. I decided to give the big city a chance while I finished my degree. It's been incredibly hard to leave my mom, brother, sister and newly born niece. I find myself turning to food when the aches of homesickness set in.
I can remember the times when food didn't really matter to me. It seems like things changed after my dad passed away from lung cancer. It was my senior year of high school and the thought of graduation, college, and no longer having a father seemed impossible to overcome. I turned to food constantly. I became less active. And started packing on the pounds! Since then, I still pretty much revolve my life around food, and am still not very active but I think something has finally clicked! I've realized I need to be in charge of my own life and live it to the fullest!!